About the Registry
The registry contains core information for the services connected to Kvipp and partially to DigiQuip. It is a passive registry and will only perform operations to a limited extent, with the exception of simple tasks such as generating PDFs and images, as well as sending out emails. It is available for testing and production at the following addresses:
- For testing: https://test-registry.kvipp.io ( Swagger documentation at /docs)
- Live: https://registry.kvipp.io ( Swagger documentation at /docs)
"OAuth 2.0 Authentication" is now used for the endpoints. The required information to setup authentication is provided to parties with relevant needs. Please contact us at [email protected].
Data Quality Requirements
The principle of the registry is to allow information to be easily entered but continuously improved. Just as you would handle data for genealogy, you can quickly input basic data and connections, and then your processes, as well as others, will connect to and improve these data over time. Therefore, it is important to use external identifiers when linking data from your systems to the registry. This is explained in more detail in External Identifiers.