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Actions and Action Documents

In the Registry database the concept of actions are things that can be performed on assets. The main categories currently established are the following:

  • Expert Control
  • Maintenance
  • Pre-use Inspection
  • Repair

These actions can have possible documents associated with them. These documents can be of any type and can be linked to the action. The action and the document must be created in the Registry before linking the two together, via an action document. The action document is simply a linking between the two object via a pivot table.

In some cases the action can both contain data and metadata in for form of structured data. In the Registry they can be stored as JSON data. The data field is intended to contain the main content of the action, while the meta_data field is intended to contain any potential metadata. If you have data, and possibly metadata, in addtion to a document associated with the action it is encouraged to both post the structured data in the action itself and the document in the Registry. The data is stored as a field with the action and the document can be linked via Action Documents.


The fields that are available for the action are described in the Data Structure Walkthrough below. The actions are created by performing a POST /actions request to the Registry API. The regular CRUD operations are present for the actions.

The action object has two fields that can be used to link the action in the Registry to the external source system. These are the source_system and source_reference and can be seen in the Data Structure Walkthrough below.

Data Structure Walkthrough

The following is the schema for an action with associated description of each field:

idInternal UUID identifier of the action within the Registry Database.
created_atTime the action was created.
created_byLogto Identifier of the user who created the action.
updated_atTime the action was last updated.
updated_byLogto Identifier of the user who last updated the action.
person_idInternal Registry ID of the person who created the action.
performed_by_personString containing the name of the person who performed the action.
organization_idInternal Registry ID of the organization who performed the action.
performed_by_organizationString containing the name of the organization who performed the action.
asset_idInternal Registry ID of the asset on which the action was performed.
performed_atDate on which the action was performed.
referenceReference number associated with the action, for example, a control number (not intended to be database id or similar).
action_typeMain type of what action as described above, for example, expert_control.
action_subtypeString containing further subcategorization of the action in your system. If the action_type sufficiently describes the action, the field is encouraged to remain null.
statusString containing the terms used in the system that action was performed in.
status_okBoolean containing the overall status of the action, for example, if an expert control was approved (true) or not approved (false).
status_use_okBoolean indicating if the asset can still be used or not independent of the overall action status (status_ok). If you do not distinguish between this in your system, please set to the same value as status_ok.
status_finalizedBoolean indicating if the action is completed or not.
status_valid_throughDate on which the action status is valid until.
source_systemString indicating the name of the product or system where the information originated. The use of the product name is encouraged.
source_referenceString containing the identifier in the source system.
dataJSON containing the main content related to the action.
meta_dataJSON containing any potential metadata surrounding the action, but that isn't stored in the data object itself.

Required steps before creating an Action

Before posting the action information itself the following information surrounding the action should be created in the Registry in the recommended order.

  1. Create the Organization (see organizations)
  2. Create the Person (Person who performed the action)
  3. Add the Person to the organization
  4. Create the Asset Type (see asset types)
  5. Create the Asset (see assets)
  6. Create the Action

It is recommend to fill out as much information as possible to each object created in the Registry. If the required information is missing to create the person and organization in the database then it is possible to add the most basic information to the action via the performed_by_person, performed_by_organization fields. Note: The asset and asset type must be created in order to input the action.

Action Documents

The fields that are available for the action document are the following:

ContentField NameMandatoryDescription
Action IDaction_idYESRegistry ID of the action to associate the document with
Document IDdocument_idYESRegistry ID of the document to associate the action with
Source Systemsource_systemYESString indicating the name of the product or system where the information originated. The use of the product name is encouraged.
Source Referencedocument_idYESString containing the identifier in the source (external) system's database

The action document is created by performing a POST /actions/{action_id}/action_documents request to the Registry API. The regular CRUD operations are present for the action documents except for the GET operation. In order to see the action documents, these can be seen by either performing a GET /actions/{action_id} via the action_documents field or by performing a GET /documents/{document_id} request via the action_documents field.

Required steps before creating an Action Document

  1. Create the Action
  2. Create Documents associated with the action
  3. Create an Action Document

As seen above and previously mentioned, the action and the document must be created in the Registry before linking the two together.

Example: Posting an Inspection to Registry

Let us assume that an external company with a equipment inspection product called Inspecteer and want to push inspection/control data into Registry as an action.

For this example let us assume that we have the following information:

Inspection Company Information:

Company NameInspections R'Us
Registration Number123456785
Tax Identification Number/VATNO123456785MVA
Organization TypePrivate Company
Country of RegistrationNorway

Inspection Information

Inspection Tool Product NameInspecteer
Inspector NameJohn Doe
Inspector Date of Birth21st of November, 1970
Inspector NationalityNorwegian
Inspection TypeYearly Inspection
Approved or NotApproved
Inspection Date15th of December, 2024
Inspection Valid Until15th of December, 2025
Inspection Reference (id in source system database)67d0c311-4ff8-47f0-b161-45054c3d2c5b
Inspection Report PDF"inspection_report_2024_manitou_john_doe.pdf"
Inspection Report PDF Reference (id in source system database)72a7cca8-8733-4596-8ddc-b34ce1e0ac04


"Safety": "The machine was determined to be safe to operate",
"Needed repairs": "Oil change needed, and customer was informed",
"Overall outcome": "John Doe approved the machine for usage"

Meta Data:

"Location": "Hakadalsveien 15, 1234 Hakadal",
"Weather": "Rainy"

Asset and Asset Type Information

Serial NumberTJ280M123456
Production Year2015

Organization, Person, Asset Type, and Asset Examples

As mentioned above, the organization, person, asset type, and asset should be created before the action is created. The list below refers to examples of how this should be in the correct order.

  1. Create the Inspectors R'Us Organization see example
  2. Create the Inspector John Doe (Person) see example
  3. Add Inspector John Doe to the Inspectors R'Us organization see example
  4. Create the Asset Type Manitou TJ280 see example
  5. Create the Asset Manitou TJ280 with Serial Number TJ280M123456 see example

The ids in these previous examples will be used in the following example.

Creating the Action

The action can be added to the registry by the POST /actions endpoint with the following JSON body:

"person_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"organization_id": "8c35f400-171a-4928-8fa3-4c647497df27",
"asset_id": "e7ffc125-18cf-46c0-852d-955fbfe733fb",
"performed_at": "2024-12-15",
"reference": "string",
"action_type": "expert_control",
"action_subtype": "yearly_inspection",
"status": "approved",
"status_ok": true,
"status_use_ok": true,
"status_finalized": true,
"status_valid_through": "2025-12-15",
"source_system": "inspecteer",
"source_reference": "67d0c311-4ff8-47f0-b161-45054c3d2c5b",
"data": {
"Safety": "The machine was determined to be safe to operate",
"Needed repairs": "Oil change needed, and customer was informed",
"Overall outcome": "John Doe approved the machine for usage"
"meta_data": {
"Location": "Hakadalsveien 15, 1234 Hakadal",
"Weather": "Rainy"

Let us assume that we got a response with containing the following id in the response body:

"id": "b7aca305-8c8c-41de-90a9-ee392b7645ce",
"person_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"organization_id": "8c35f400-171a-4928-8fa3-4c647497df27",
"asset_id": "e7ffc125-18cf-46c0-852d-955fbfe733fb",
"performed_at": "2024-12-15",

Creating the Document

The document can be added to the registry by the POST /documents endpoint with the following JSON body sent in as form data:

"document_type": "expert_control_report",

Along with form payload in the json above, file "inspection_report_2024_manitou_john_doe.pdf" should be sent along in the request as a binary file. Please see the Swagger Schema more detailed information. see Swagger documentation

Let us assume that we got a response with containing the following id in the response body:

"id": "4dbc35d4-c075-4da8-a5c0-d9e9ca98c3d2",
"document_type": "expert_control_report",

Creating the Action Document

The action document can be added to the registry by the POST /actions/b7aca305-8c8c-41de-90a9-ee392b7645ce/action_documents endpoint with the following JSON body:

"action_id": "b7aca305-8c8c-41de-90a9-ee392b7645ce",
"document_id": "4dbc35d4-c075-4da8-a5c0-d9e9ca98c3d2",
"source_system": "inspecteer",
"source_reference": "72a7cca8-8733-4596-8ddc-b34ce1e0ac04"

If the above request was successful, the action document has been created and the document is now linked to the action. In order to see the action documents, these can be seen by the following requests:

  • GET /actions/b7aca305-8c8c-41de-90a9-ee392b7645ce and should be seen in the action_documents field
  • GET /documents/4dbc35d4-c075-4da8-a5c0-d9e9ca98c3d2 and should be seen in the action_documents field