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Organizations in the registry can be any of the following types:

  • Private Company
  • Public Company (Publicly Traded)
  • Non-Profit Organization
  • Governmental Organization
  • Unclassified

An organization in the Registry can contain the following information:

ContentField NameMandatoryDescription
Name of the OrganizationnameYESThe name of the organization
Registration Numberregistration_numberYESThe registration number of the company issued by the country of origin
Organization Typeorganization_typeYESThe type of organization mentioned above
Tax Identification Number or VATtax_registration_numberNOThe tax or VAT Number of the company issued by the country of origin
CountrycountryNOThe country where the company is registered
Logto Identificationlogto_idNOThis is for internal purposes only, please disregard and avoid including data in this field

Please refer to the Swagger documentation for more specific information:

Before creating an organization via a POST request, please ensure that the organization doesn't already exist in the database.

People in Organizations

In the registry people can be associated with an organization. A person is created in the registry in the people controller. Once created that person can then be linked to an organization by following the path /people/{person_id}/organizations/{organization_id}. The endpoints available URL path will allow you to link an already created person and organization together by relation_type. See the Swagger docs for more.

Example: Inspection Company with inspector (Person)

Let us assume that an external company called Inspections R'Us has an inspector called John Doe. To add this information the following steps must be performed:

  1. Create the organization for the inspection company
  2. Create the person for the inspector
  3. Link the person to the organization

For this example let us assume that we have the following information:

Inspection Company Information:

Company NameInspections R'Us
Registration Number123456785
Tax Identification Number/VATNO123456785MVA
Organization TypePrivate Company
Country of RegistrationNorway

Person Information

Inspector NameJohn Doe
Inspector Date of Birth21st of November, 1970
Inspector NationalityNorwegian

Creating the Organization

The endpoint calling GET /organizations/ will produce the list of organization already in the database. Alternatively, there is a POST /organization/find/ endpoint that will allow you to search for the organization by inputing the registration_number and the country. If you cannot find one for the inspection company then it should be created. This can be done with the POST /organizations/ with the following request body. Please see the Swagger Schema for what are required fields.

"name": "Inspections R'Us",
"registration_number": "123456785",
"tax_identification_number": "NO123456785MVA",
"organization_type": "private",
"country": "no",

Once the organization is created, make note to store the id of the organization in Registry.

For this example let's assume that the organization recieved the following UUID ID, seen in the response body:

"id": "8c35f400-171a-4928-8fa3-4c647497df27",
"name": "Inspections R'Us",
"registration_number": "123456785",
"tax_identification_number": "NO123456785MVA",
"organization_type": "private",
"country": "no",

Creating the Person

The person might already exist in the database. To check this the GET /people/ endpoint can either be called and the output can be searched to find the person. Alternatively, the POST /people/find/ endpoint can be used by searching with the following information:

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • date_of_birth

For conveinence there is a boolean query parameter on this endpoint called create that will create the person if it does not exist in the database.

Thus, to find or create the person in the database then the POST /people/find?create=true person can create the person with the following request:

"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"date_of_birth": "1970-11-21",

Once the person is created, make note to store the id of the person in Registry. For this example, let us assume that the person has the following UUID ID:

"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"date_of_birth": "1970-11-21",

Linking the Person to the Organization

The person can be linked to the organization by calling the POST /people/{person_id}/organizations/{organization_id} endpoint. There is a required query parameter called relation_type that indicates the relation of the person to the organization. Please see the Swagger Schema for possible relation types.

For this example, the person is an employee of the organization. Thus, the request would look like the following:

POST /people/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000/organizations/8c35f400-171a-4928-8fa3-4c647497df27?relation_type=employee

If the request is successful, the person is linked to the organization. The person should now be able to be found in the organization's list of associated people or the organization should be found in the person's list of associated organizations.

  • GET /organizations/{organization_id} should show all the people linked to the organization via the associated_people field.
  • GET /people/{person_id} should show all the organizations linked to the person via the associated_organizations field.


GET /organizations/8c35f400-171a-4928-8fa3-4c647497df27
GET /people/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000