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QR codes and NFC tags

For easier access to functions and information, label all equipment with QR codes or NFC tags. Behind the code or tag attached to machines and equipment, users will quickly access various information about the specific work equipment.

Test out scanning a code:

Is the machine safe to use and can I use it safely?

Safe use requires that both the equipment and the person have the correct status: Is the equipment inspected and can I use the equipment? Here is a description of the content that accompanies the equipment and is presented when the QR code or NFC tag is scanned.

Is expert control required and what's the status?

Check if the machine has been inspected and see details of the latest inspection. Everyone who scans the QR code or NFC tag will find this information.

Shall I perform a pre-use inspection?

A reminder to check the machine before use and to log it. The inspection can be confirmed with or without a checklist. The inspection is valid for 12 hours, and follows the individual person. The log is available to the machine owner.

Is training required?

Check your own status or do a training.

Competetence certificate?

View competence certificate requirements, check your own status or upload your document.


Find videos for the equipment.

User manual

Find the relevant user manual. Remember that having an available user manual for machines is required.


Start logging maintenance. Maintenance can be performed with or without a checklist. The log is available to the machine owner. Maintenance is an additional module.

Attach QR codes and NFC tags

To make it easy for skilled workers and others in the field, attach QR codes or NFC tags. This way, it will be easy to access information about the equipment.

When attaching and connecting QR codes and NFC tags, we recommend that you do it in one go. Find the work equipment and attach the label, then select "assign QR/NFC code," search for the internal or serial number, and finally scan the label. There is no limit to the number of labels that can be attached to a piece of equipment.


NFC tags has a cost of 40 kr a piece. Size 38 x 13 x 4,5 mm.

Stickers come in three sizes: small (30x50mm), medium (54x90mm), and large (90x150mm).

Small 30x50mm20
Medium 54x90mm25
Large 90x150mm35
Group 75

All prices ex. VAT.