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Competence management

DigiQuip supports the following types of competence:

  • Equipment training
  • Competence certificates (certified and documented)
  • Courses
  • Education
  • Experience

My competence

Individuals can use the solution for free or be part of an organisation. All registered users always have access to their competence regardless of their employer. If the employment relationship ends, the person will still have access to their competence page.

Competence overview

Users with the roles of "Administrator" and "Users and Competence Management" can manage and keep track of employees' competence.

Overview per person

Get an overview of each person individually. Every employee has their own competence profile. Here, managers can view all competence, their status, and also add competence as needed. Go to "competence > list" and select person.

Create reports

Create reports for quicker insights into who can/cannot operate what. Reports are available from "competence > reports".

  • Find equipment operators: In this report, you can search for a model and see who is qualified to operate it.
  • Check competence certificate: In this report, you can search for a specific competence certificate and see who holds this certification.
  • Identify competency gaps: Choose a model and individuals to find the current status for identifying any potential competence gaps.
  • Competence report (aka tender report): This report is for creating PDF documents. Select from all employees and different competence, run the report, and generate the PDF document. The report can be opened when the status is "completed".

Perform training

If any employees lack necessary training, training can be performed digitally or practically. Alternatively, previous documentation can be uploaded. The company controls who can provide training. Read more about training in chapter "training".


Equipment training and competence certificates must be approved, either manually or automatically.

Trainings waiting for approval is located under the "Competence > Pending Approval" section or can be approved 1 by 1 from individual user's competence page.


When training is automatically approved, it's important that the person configuring this setting has the authority to do so. The individual who configures the setting will be recorded as the approver.

The settings are located under "Settings > Competence."

Good luck!

For further details or questions, contact your contact person or book a meeting with someone from our team, book a meeting. You can also email us at [email protected].