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In DigiQuip, we support three kinds of controls and inspections:

  • Expert controls (annual inspection)
  • Pre-use inspections (daily inspection)
  • Maintenance

Controls and inspections are stored per equipment, located "equipment > list" and selected equipment.

Expert control

According to the "forskrift om utførelse av arbeid", Chapter 13, certain work equipment must undergo annual inspection to ensure it is safe to use. The inspection must be documented, and "documentation of expert inspection activities, including a certificate stating that the equipment is safe to use, must be kept in a suitable location so that it can be presented to public authorities upon request" (§13-4).

In DigiQuip, equipment owners can manage expert controls, and we are integrated with both the "Maskinregisteret" (M-reg.) and "BRAREG".

To get control data from M-reg., please contact Sentralregisteret, [email protected], to get your API details. You can then enter these details directly under general settings > integrations or send it over to us by email.

We also offer custom integrations.

Pre-use inspections and maintenance

When it comes to pre-use inspection and maintenance, the "forskrift om utførelse av arbeid" (see Chapter 12) also require systematic inspection and maintenance, as per§12-4. This should also be logged, ref.§12-8.

Pre-use inspection

Pre-use inspection is crucial and can prevent serious accidents. Therefore, when a machine operator scans a DigiQuip QR code/NFC tag, they'll find a reminder to perform the pre-use inspection, if required. This can be confirmed or completed using a checklist. The inspection follows the person and is valid for 12 hours. Logs are accessible to the equipment owner.

Read more in the chapter about "checklists".


Maintenance can be performed either by logging the maintenance activity or with the support of checklists. Logs are accessible to the equipment owner. Maintenance is an additional module.


Logs for expert inspection, pre-use inspection, and maintenance can be found per machine.

Good luck!

For further details or questions, contact your contact person or book a meeting with someone from our team, book a meeting. You can also email us at [email protected].