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User management

The roles "Administrator" and "Users and competence management" can handle users. "Administrator" has access to everything and everyone, while "Users and competence management" has access to others in the same department.

Departments and users

First, add the relevant departments. Departments are located as part of settings, "settings > general > departments". Only "Administrator" can manage departments.

Users can be added manually, through file import (CSV and Excel), or via integration. Users are located in "settings > users".

For CSV/Excel import, add the following information in the given order:

1.First name. 2.Last name. 3.Email. This will be the person's username and cannot be changed. 4.Phone. For Norwegian phone numbers: 8 digits without the country code. Currently, the solution only supports Norwegian mobile numbers when importing. 5.Language. Use NO for Norwegian. An overview of other country codes can be downloaded from the solution. 6.Department. If the department has not already been created, it will be created automatically. Therefore, check if the department is placed correctly in the organisation tree. 7.Internal or external user. Internal and external have the numeric codes 1 and 2, respectively.


Roles are managed per user. Details and roles are changed under each user's profile. See descriptions of roles below.

Change username?

Note that usernames cannot be changed in the solution. Contact support for assistance, [email protected].

Invite users

An invitation with a link to activate is sent via email and/or SMS. The recipient must follow the link to set a password.

Invitation not found?

Check spam/junk email. Alternatively, contact us at [email protected] or 69 83 85 00 for further assistance.

What if someone leaves or only works for a limited period?

Use start and end dates to define the access period. Set the end date when a person leaves, and they will be marked as inactive. Inactive users only have access to their own competence and any other published pages. Start and end date can be managed either from the list of users (bulk action) or by person, in user details.

Description of roles

Below is a description of roles (aka access rights) in DigiQuip.


Has access to everything and everyone. Only the Administrator can change the organisation’s general settings, such as integrations and department structure.

Users and competence management

  • Add and remove users.
  • Add training on behalf of others.
  • Approve/reject competence.
  • Create digital training.
  • Settings for trainings.
  • Create and connect checklists.

Machine and equipment management

  • Administration of models and equipment.
  • Connecting QR codes/NFC tags.
  • Overview of expert control and other equipment related information.
  • Can manage per model whether inspections are required.
  • Find and create logs for controls and inspections.
  • Create and connect checklists.


If the company has the maintenance module, persons with this role can log maintenance.

Regular user

For internal and external users who only need to manage their own affairs (such as competence) and do not need access to manage equipment, other people, or competence. With this role, the person can:

  • Add and remove their own competence.
  • Get an overview of their own competence.
  • Do trainings.
  • Do pre-use inspections.
  • See the status of machines and equipment.
  • Find competence requirements for machines and equipment.


Contact us if you need to setup any integrations.

Good luck!

For further details or questions, contact your contact person or book a meeting with someone from our team, book a meeting. You can also email us at [email protected].